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UDS Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (UDS-LISA) Launched
1st July 2022 | News
UDS Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (UDS-LISA) Launched

The Department of Statistics of the School of Engineering has launched the UDS Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (UDS LISA). The Head of Department of Statistics, Dr. Abukari Alhassan, who is also the coordinator of the UDS-LISA, says the LISA Programme aims to build statistics and data science capacity in developing countries by creating a robust network of statistics and data science collaboration laboratories, (stat labs). According to Dr. Abukari Alhassan, these stat labs can be engines for development by training the next generation of collaborative statisticians and data scientists; serving as infrastructure to support local researchers, businesses, governments, and Non-Governmental Organisations. He says it will also help in teaching short courses and organising workshops to improve statistical skills and data literacy widely.

The LISA Stat. Lab. of the University for Development Studies, also known as UDS-LISA, has now become one of more than 35 other Stat Labs worldwide after it successfully passed through proposed membership to being granted transitional membership status.

The Launch was organised alongside a Capacity Building Workshop for GAUA members. Explaining why the training workshop was organised alongside the launch, Dr. Abukari Alhassan said the UDS-LISA recognises the important role of the Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) in the university administration system. He said GAUA members require statistical competence in the discharge of their duties as well as the needed capacity to write articles. 

The workshop which was under the theme “Choosing the Best Statistical Method in Data Analysis for Administrators” was organised in collaboration with the Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA), UDS Branch.

In his welcome address, the Vice Dean of the School of Engineering, Professor Abdul Ganiyu Shaibu emphasised the importance of statistics in planning. He said collection, presentation, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data as useful and reliable information necessitates its involvement in research in all disciplines. “Statistical methods and analyses are used to communicate research findings and to support hypotheses and give credibility to research methodology and conclusions. Thus, it is important for researchers and also consumers of research outputs to understand statistics so that they can be informed, evaluate the credibility and usefulness of information, and make appropriate decisions”, he added.

On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, the Dean of Students, Prof. Isaac Sackey, who chaired the opening ceremony, said the workshop was also aimed at strengthening the capacity of University Administrators and to sharpen their skills in order to define their continued relevance to university administration so as to reach the ultimate aim of impacting positively on the University.

In her presentation, the keynote Speaker, Professor Atinuke O. Adebanji of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology noted that the training had been designed to build data analysis capacity for policy university administrators to facilitate and accelerate their ability to research and publish articles. According Prof. Adebanji, the workshop will also help develop leadership skills and provide a mentoring platform for university administrators. She said statistics and research form an integral part of administrators’ work and encouraged participants to learn as much as possible from the presentations. She also encouraged participants to network especially among colleagues from other institutions and learn new trends in research and publication.

The President of GAUA–UDS, Dr. Ibrahim Tanko, expressed gratitude to the keynote speaker, and the staff of the Department of Statistics of the School of Engineering for their support to GAUA in making the workshop possible. He added that due to the dynamic nature of the landscape of higher education and its management in Ghana and around the world, the Association must put in place strategies in order to respond to the growing needs and trends of university administration. While reminding members to actively participate in all of GAUA’s activities, Dr. Tanko also urged them to make use of the lessons learned at the workshop and apply the lessons when they are engaged in research and publication activities.

The Head of the Department of Statistics, gave an overview of the mandate, mission and vision of UDS-LISA. He explained that “LISA is a statistical collaboration laboratory with a goal to increase the quantity and quality of statistics and data science applied to advance high-impact research at the University for Development Studies, and expert decision making in the community”.

Dr. Alhassan enumerated some of the activities of the Stat lab. He said LISA has provided solutions to statistical related challenges to improve statistical skills and competencies of postgraduate students and members of the university community, engage in quality research activities with the UDS community and other specialized sister institutions to undertake statistical collaborations with researchers in various disciplines providing consultancy services in the form of data analysis, statistical report in article, technical report and researches to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other specialized institutions and individuals among others.

UDS-LISA is a transitional member of the LISA 2020 Network initiated and coordinated by the University of Colorado Boulder, USA.

Story by:
Abdul Malik Iddrisu (University Relations)

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