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UDS Holds 31st Matriculation Ceremony - 7 Medical Students Affected By Ukraine War Re-Integrated Into UDS School Of Medicine
4th March 2023 | News
UDS Holds 31st Matriculation Ceremony - 7 Medical Students Affected By Ukraine War Re-Integrated Into UDS School Of Medicine

The 31st Matriculation Ceremony at UDS to welcome freshmen and women to the University has taken place on Saturday, 25th February, 2023. In all 10,431 students comprising 4,801 males and 5,630 females were admitted into undergraduate programmes. Out of a total figure of 366 postgraduate admissions, there were 245 males and 121 females.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Seidu Al-hassan intimated congratulated the freshmen and women for qualifying for admission into the University. He stated that the University received a total of eight hundred and ninety-one (891) postgraduate applications and twenty-three thousand eight-hundred and fifty-eight (23,858) undergraduate applications this academic year. Unfortunately, a majority of the applicants could not be admitted due to the lack of space to accommodate them.

Prof. Al-hassan said “it is regrettable to state that, the University could not admit all qualified applicants, particularly those pursuing health science programmes, due to insufficient infrastructure – lecture space, skills rooms, laboratories and laboratory equipment”.

He added “It may interest you to know that, out of one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight (1,798) and one thousand and seventy-nine (1,079) qualified WASSCE applicants for BSc. Nursing and Midwifery, respectively, the University could admit only two hundred and thirty (230) for BSc. Nursing and two hundred and twenty-four (224) for BSc. Midwifery. Similarly, out of two thousand, one hundred and six (2,106) and eight hundred and fourteen (814) qualified applicants for Medicine and Doctor of Pharmacy, respectively, the University admitted only one hundred and eighty (180) for Medicine and one hundred and ninety-eight (198) for Doctor of Pharmacy”.

Prof Seidu Al-hassan stated the significance of matriculation as well as the university’s expectations of its students.

“Fresh men and women, the main objective of this Matriculation Ceremony is to confirm your full membership of UDS. Therefore, it is compulsory for every fresh student to go through this initiation process. You will be required as part of the process to take an Oath. The Matriculation Oath places on you, as Junior Members, to be dutiful and meticulous in your academic pursuits in the University.  You are strongly advised to sign your names in the matriculation register as soon as this Ceremony is over. For the Institute for Distance and Continuing Learning (IDCL) students across the Centres as well as the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SoNM) weekend students in Wa, Bolga and Kumasi, who are participating by virtual, you are required to sign in the matriculation register later” he said.

The Vice-Chancellor admonished the matriculants to contribute their quota to enhance the image of the University, to participate fully in all activities and be committed to their studies. He advised the students to be vigilant and security conscious while on campus, and report suspicious activities to the University authorities.

Prof. Seidu Al-hassan also encouraged the students to report cases of sexual harassment or misconduct. 

The Vice-Chancellor announced that seven Ghanaian students who were affected by the Russia-Ukraine war, have been re-integrated into UDS to continue with their studies.

“With the support of the Ministry of Education, the Ghana Medical and Dental Council and the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), seven (7) Ghanaian students who were studying medicine in Ukraine and were affected by the Russian-Ukraine war, have been re-integrated into the School of Medicine at various levels to continue with their training” he said. 

The Vice-Chancellor indicated that the University would continue to work with the relevant agencies towards expanding its intake, as it prepared for the expected large number of applicants next year.

Earlier, the Registrar, Mr. Nurudeen Issah Abubakar, in a brief statement welcomed the freshmen and women to the 2023 matriculation ceremony.  He later invited the Vice-Chancellor to administer the Matriculation Oath to the students after they had been introduced by the Deans of the various Schools and Faculties.

At the Nyankpala Campus, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Felix K. Abagale, led students to swear the matriculation oath.

He encouraged the students to attend lectures regularly and on time too. He said, “a minimum attendance of 70 percent is required for you to be allowed to sit for the end of trimester examinations”. “Here at UDS, Continuous Assessment forms the basis of your examination.  It must be taken with all seriousness, as it constitutes a large percentage of your examination.  Students are advised never to fail in doing their Continuous Assessment, because failing to do so will lead to you failing in the final trimester examinations” he concluded.

The matriculation ceremony was witnessed by some parents and guardians. Also in attendance were members of the UDS Cadet Corps.

Story by;
Abdul Hayi Moomen
(University Relations)

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