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UDS NUGS Holds Annual SDGs Summit
12th July 2023 | News
UDS NUGS Holds Annual SDGs Summit

The National Union of Ghana Students (Local NUGS) of the University for Development Studies (Tamale Campus), on Saturday, 24th June 2023 organized the Annual SDGs Summit at the Multipurpose Auditorium under the theme “Reduced Inequalities Within and Among People (SDG 10) a Necessary Tool for Achieving Gender Equality (SDG 5). The Role of the Youth”. The Summit brought together speakers from different walks of life who are working to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals and targets are met within the stipulated timeframe by the United Nations (UN).

Speakers at the Summit were the Dean of Students at UDS, Dr. Alhassan Musah, Hon. Mariam Iddrisu, a Former MCE of the Sagnarigu Municipal Assembly, who is currently the Director for Girls To Women,an NGO, the Executive Director of SONGTABA, Hajia Lamnatu Adam, the Executive Director of RAINS, Mr. Hardi Tijani, the Executive Director of SWIDA GH, Hajia Alima Sagito, the Northern Regional Director of the National Youth Authority Mr. Mumuni Sulemana and the CEO of MASLOC Hajia Abibata Shanni Mahama Zakariah.

The President of NUGS-UDS,Tamale Campus,  Miss. Avoka Wuntima Alberta welcomed the guest on behalf of her colleagues. She recalled the abysmal representation of women in various public sector offices and positions such as the Parliament of Ghana with emphasis on the five regions of the north, the lack of appointment of female as CEO’s among others.

According to her, recent history has shown that, it doesn’t take a only men to make a difference in leadership, emphasising that women should be given the needed attention and platforms to explore and contribute their quota to national development. “We have seen women who when provided with that platform could climb up the ladder and become as effective and as efficient as any successful man history has ever recorded” she said.

The speakers took turns to commend Executives of the Local NUGS for organising the program, The speakers highlighted areas females have excelled and made positive impact when they had the opportunity. They called on the government and all relevant stakeholders to work to ensure that, the SDGs, particularly, the goals 5 and 10 are addressed to ensure equality for women and girls in decision-making at all levels.

The CEO of Micro Finance and Loans Center, MASLOC, Hajia Abibata Shanni Mahama Zakariah said, the achievements of sustainable development is not possible if one half of humanity continues to be denied its full human rights and opportunities. She said, women and girls must enjoy equal access to quality education, economic resources and political participation as well equal opportunities with men and boys for employment, leadership and decision-making opportunities at all levels.

The winners of the SDG essay competition at the end of the summit, were awarded with prizes.

Other invited guests included the Head of University Relations Mr. Abdul Hayi Moomen, Past and present SRC/NUGS Executives and other student leaders.

Story by Hamdan Wumpeka Amadu
(University Relations)

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