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UDS Holds 30th Matriculation Ceremony
21st March 2022 | News
UDS Holds 30th Matriculation Ceremony

The University for Development Studies (UDS) has held her 30th Matriculation Ceremony to formally welcome students who have been admitted for the 2022 academic year. At a ceremony held at the Multi-purpose Auditorium of the University, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye said many qualified applicants could not be admitted to pursue various programmes, particularly, in the Health Sciences due to insufficient infrastructure.

“It may interest you to know that out of 2,300 and 1,446 qualified applicants for BSc. in Nursing and Midwifery respectively, the University could admit only 256 for BSc. Nursing and 248 for BSc. Midwifery. Similarly, out of 1,883 and 595 qualified applicants for BSc. Medicine and Doctor of Pharmacy respectively, the University admitted only 140 for Medicine and 154 for Doctor of Pharmacy”, Prof Ayum Teye stressed. The Vice Chancellor indicated that out of the 17,996 admitted figure, 12,691 had accepted, leaving a gap of 5,305.

He indicated that the COVID-19 Pandemic had affected the academic calendar as a result of which the academic year had been shifted from August/September to January. While urging the new students to adapt to the challenges brought about by the changes, he advised them to, at all times, observe the COVID-19 protocols, focus on their studies, and be generally disciplined.

He entreated the first-year students to be proud that they have been admitted into one of the best Universities in Ghana today where they would be taught by some of the finest lecturers in their chosen programmes. “Your presence here in the University is to help you live better lives in the future, fit into society and assist in nation-building. Please be guided by these values” Prof Ayum Teye emphasised.

The Vice-Chancellor reminded the matriculants that though their number one priority was to study hard to acquire a degree or diploma from this University, it was Imperative to effectively combine it with extra-curricular activities to get a well-rounded experience. He reminded the fresh students that it was mandatory for every student to participate in the Third Trimester Field Practical Programme (TTFPP) for a period of 8 weeks. “The TTFPP consists of learning activities that take place within the community where the students, members of the community and the representatives of other sectors are actively engaged through the educational experience”, he added.

Prof Ayum Teye stated that the numerous achievements of the University should spur them on to work hard during their stay in UDS.  He appealed to the fresh students to actively participate in the University’s 30th anniversary celebrations.

Present at the ceremony were the Registrar of the university, Mr. Nurudeen Issah Abubakar, Deans and Directors, the Campus Officer, Heads of Departments, Members of Convocation, Senior and Junior Staff of the University as well the fresh students.

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