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Launch of UDS Endowment Fund Slated for April 30 - Aims to Raise One Million Ghana Cedis
12th April 2022 | News
Launch of UDS Endowment Fund Slated for April 30 - Aims to Raise One Million Ghana Cedis

The Vice-Chancellor of the University for Development Studies, Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye has announced plans by the management of the University to launch its Endowment Fund on April 30, 2022. The University hopes to raise one million Ghana cedis as seed capital for the fund. The seed capital will support student scholarships and raise UDS’ infrastructure regime to ultra-modern standards.

Each year, since 1992, the University for Development Studies continues to receive a large number of qualified applicants for its programmes but is unable to admit a good number due to insufficient academic facilities. Additionally, a good number of the students enrolled are unable to pay their fees, compelling them to either defer their studies or dropout before completing their programmes of study. Also, a good number of both fresh applicants and continuing students apply to the management of the University seeking financial support for their programmes but such a facility is currently unavailable.

Informed by the reasons outlined above, the University has been motivated to establish an Endowment Fund which shall be known as the University for Development Studies Endowment Fund (UDSEF). The Endowment Fund will provide additional funds to complement government’s efforts to ensure that the University delivers on its mandate. Specifically, UDSEF will support scholarships for needy and talented students, support infrastructural development and research activities in the University.

The Vice-Chancellor is confident that the endowment fund will help to bring world class education at UDS to the doorsteps of brilliant but needy students throughout the country.

The launch will come off alongside the University’s April Congregation at 9:00am on the stated date.

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